Thursday, 25 January 2018

post production essay plan

Explain how your post production skills have developed over time and how this has contributed to your media  production out comes.

post-production anything after filming 


  1. editing moving image
  2. printwork- used creative packages such as photoshop 
  3. website 
  4. use of presentational tools for evaluation 

1. editing 
year 12 what you did do and the limitations
initial knowledge in editing- only experience was on windows movie maker. poor quality no creativity. 
coming into year 12 we began learning to editing on premiere pro by creative dancing animal video- basic editing task. imported video, used basic cuts, colour effects, effects and transitions. no creative input was just used to learn about the tool premiere pro had to offer.
Juno and prelim- basic cuts, played with inserts, effects, sound effects still early stages of learning. 
Films opening-  straight cuts, black and white for flashbacks to add to and help portray the narrative.  Music on top of video- limitations now looking back we could have played around with more effects making black and white more grainy to add to the old effect. poor sound quality could have been adjusted. Colour correction. 
year 13
prelims- uncreative just copied another music video however we chose videos which were technically hard for editing- had to use you tube to earn some new effects on premiere pro, use colour adjustment to match other music video. 
Banana phone- learning new techniques, cloning, screen within a screen act. 
Music video give specifics name effects - effects colour adjustment, how many cuts in the first minuet? 
how did all this work make the final music video  better. 
  • better quality 
  • more professional 
  • creative
  • more effects 
  • set tone 
  • enhance theme
  • improve aesthetic
  • enhance genre and brand 
  • pace  
  • helped continue synergy of red as well as enhancing the rose motif 
compare to real media examples

2. print work 
year 12
poster- made on photoshop but the limitations were that we didn't really know how to use the program and the text is hard to see. 
tour poster- 
magazine -
digipak - photoshop to play around with colour effects to sharpen photos and add to our synergy. 

compare to real media examples e.g. ed Sheehan showed great synergy throughout his albums we wanted to have a strong synergetic recognisable theme the way he did so that are artist could be recognised by her brand and colour. 
year 12 
In year 12 we used wix to create a website however this was a very basic use of a pre structured layout we had a limited number of pages and only included a homepage,  we did not manipulate anything and didn't match synergy. 
year 13
back grounds  different pages 
page names/ tabs changed 
colour scheme changed
font changed to match typography synergy of other products - folklore 
synergy of roses added. 
music video added a
add to professionalism and synergy throughout all of our ancillary texts and out main product. 

4. presentational tools 
year 12 
mainly power point 
not very professional 
not varied much 
year 13 
variety of new softwares used to vary our presentational skills. 

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